Selected papers and articles (1975-1993)

(With Nicholas Saunders) The study of cultural astronomy. In Clive Ruggles and Nicholas Saunders (eds.), Astronomies and Cultures, University Press of Colorado, 1993, 1–31.

(With Roger Martlew) The North Mull project [in four parts; part 2 also with Peter Hinge]. Archaeoastronomy (JHA) no. 14 (1989), S137–149; no. 16 (1991), S51–75; no. 17 (1992), S1–13 and no. 18 (1993), S55–64.

A statistical examination of the radial line azimuths at Nazca. In A.F. Aveni (ed.), The Lines of Nazca, American Philosophical Society, Philadephia, 1989, 245–269.

Recent developments in megalithic astronomy. In Anthony F. Aveni (ed.), World Archaeoastronomy, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 13-26.

The stone alignments of Argyll and Mull: a perspective on the statistical approach in archaeoastronomy. In Clive Ruggles (ed.), Records in Stone: Papers in Memory of Alexander Thom, Cambridge University Press, 1988, 232–50.

The Borana calendar—some observations. Archaeoastronomy (JHA) no. 11 (1987), S35–53.

The linear settings of Argyll and Mull. Archaeoastronomy (JHA) no. 9 (1985), S105–132.

Megalithic astronomy: the last five years. Vistas in Astronomy 27 (1984), 231-289.

(With Nicholas Saunders) The interpretation of the pecked cross symbols at Teotihuacan: a methodological note. Archaeoastronomy (JHA) no. 7 (1984), S101–107.

A new study of the Aberdeenshire recumbent stone circles [in two parts; part 2 with Aubrey Burl]. Archaeoastronomy (JHA) no. 6 (1984), S55–79 and no. 8 (1985), S25–60.

A reassessment of the high precision megalithic lunar sightlines [in two parts]. Archaeoastronomy (JHA) no. 4 (1982), S21–40 and no. 5 (1983), S1–36.

A critical examination of the megalithic lunar observatories. In Clive Ruggles and Alasdair Whittle (eds.), Astronomy and Society in Britain During the Period 4000-1500 BC, BAR British Series 88, Oxford, 1981, 153–209.

(With Gordon Moir and Ray Norris). Megalithic science and some Scottish site plans. Antiquity 54 (1980), 40–43.

(With David Turton) Agreeing to disagree: the measurement of duration in a southwestern Ethiopian community. Current Anthropology 19 (1978), 585–600.

(With John Cooke, Roger Few and Guy Morgan). Indicated declinations at the Callanish megalithic sites. Journal for the History of Astronomy 8 (1977), 113–133.

(With Mark Bailey, John Cooke, Roger Few and Guy Morgan) Survey of three megalithic sites in Argyllshire. Nature 253 (1975), 431–433.